All v3 Onion Addresses Down After Attack On The Tor Network

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For a few hours today all v3 onion addresses on the Tor network were down. This appears to be a new kind of attack which affects the entire network and involves overloading the consensus authority nodes.
> You will currently not be able to access any v3 onion addresses, what is happening is unknown, but it is potentially a huge attack on the entire network. Earlier today I made a post outlining consequences I would be putting into place to deter markets from funding DDoS attacks against each other, as the potential to scale and completely kill every node on the network is a very real potential outcome. Now everything is down and I have no idea if this has sped up the process of this occurring or if it is even an attack at all, all I know is, this is big.
This attack began after Dread forum owner, HugBunter made a post stating the consequences for market owners who continue to attack rival markets.
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