An ancient reminder of how # # ended:
  • Why Yamamoto spared Yhwach 1000 years ago
  • Urahara´s endgame agenda and last words
  • Minor character plot lines unresolved
  • What happened to Nel?
  • What happened to Grimmjow? (There was a fucking group by /u/darthnick426 [+6] asking for him for years and he just disappears again?)
  • Halibel's fate
  • Rangiku's soul and alleged importance in the final arc
  • Ganju's past
  • What did Renji ask Urahara?
  • What are the two kids who live with Urahara? Them niggas ain't human. That bitch fucked up an Arrancar that was fucking up Renji.
  • How and why did Uryu survive Yhwach's racial cleaning when he was a child? Yhwach mentions it’s, but never explains.
  • How and why did Ginjo became a Shinigami?
  • What Stern Ritter K and N stood for
  • Kubo's original idea of Hell realm arc
  • The name of Ichigo's Fullbring (I bet it was Zangetsu…meh)
  • How and when Isshin learned about Final Getsuga Tensho, and against who did he ever use it? (Probably never used it, but he had to have learned it - cause he was going to use it?)
  • Orihime’s powers that trespasses God’s Territory
  • Ichigo's sisters being implied to have powers
  • What was Karin doing that seemed suspicious when Ichigo lost his powers?
  • Tatsuki developing spiritual sensitivity
  • The purpose of the Soul tickets that Kyoraku gave to Tatsuki, Keigo, and Mizuiro
  • Komamura’s fate (Probably dead seeing how Iba replaced him…)
  • Yoruichi's god armor AND her brother
  • Yachiru having Shikai when she herself was a Zanpakuto
  • Orihime's implied inner corruption from the HM arc
  • Who are the other immortal prisoners in the SS Prison
  • What was Rukia's first visit to the human world which she doesn't remember
  • What happened to Lille Barro
  • What is happening with the Royal Guard
  • Rose and Kensei's fate? (They are alive, but how did Mayuri revive them when they were dead?)
  • How communication is possible within the Dangai if time goes 2000 times slower
  • Is Ichigo’s Hollow Merged Bankai Mode really his strongest pinnacle mode? Is it really that disappointingly weak?

# #
Банкай Айзена и Синдзи. Финальная гецуга Иссина. Раскрытие темы баланса душ между мирами и их Короля. Невероятная финальная битва. Раскрытие истинных сил протагониста и становление его личности. SUN MOON RAIN Ичируки символизм. Легендарные волшебные охотники. Потрясающая командная работа Чада и Исиды. Эпические драматичные поединки под дождем и полной луной. Айзен исправивший все свои ошибки. Потрясающая в своей логичности и законченности концовка, ставящая точку в приключениях главных героев.
Спасибо Кубо!

# # # #
Exterminatus mastodon (AP)
Все элементарно, Кубо - хуевый писатель, но стильный художник. Начиная с арки фуллбрингеров надо было просто любоваться гецугами во весь разворот и больше ни на что не рассчитывать.
Поговорил с пастой.
> 4 лицевых шаблона
> пропавшие бэкграунды
> стильный художник
Exterminatus mastodon (AP)
Так в этом и есть стиль. Я ж не сказал, что он хороший художник.