А вот и # приехали:

Our records indicate you or a contact listed in your account may be located in the Russian Federation. If our records are correct, your account(s) and/or affected product(s) will be terminated as of December 31, 2023.

For domain registrations, you have until December 31, 2023 to initiate the transfer of any impacted domain(s) to a registrar of your choice, subject to the incoming transfer restrictions of other registrars. For instructions on transferring domains, see

For all other products, your access to all data and content on file with us will be terminated as of December 31, 2023, and we will not be able to provide you with backups. Accordingly, we are respectfully asking you to retrieve your data and transfer any products you have with us to a new provider prior to that date.
Lex Publica поделился этим.
E23 mastodon (AP)
что будешь делать?
не знаю. я даже не помнил что у меня на гоудедди есть живые заказы
Taciturn mastodon (AP)
А в чём вообще сложность перенести?